Our director, Claudia Miranda, is one of the researchers who signed this declaration of the Transdisciplinary Network on Ageing (RedEn, in Spanish) of the Universidad de Chile, in response to the WHO’s intention to include old age in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD).
Read the original statement published by Universidad de Chile.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which includes definitions and criteria for all pathologies and pathological conditions. It is used as a guide for diagnosing, researching, and defining diseases, for both health and financial systems. The new version (ICD-11) is now available on the Internet and will be used starting January 2022.
We were decidedly surprised, upset, and disappointed to find that, under the code MG2A, in the “General Symptoms” section, “Old Age” has been included in the original English version. We find this contradictory and misleading, especially when this same organization celebrates the Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030), through 4 action areas to promote a society and a world for all ages, where different agencies are offered the opportunity to work together to improve the lives of older people, their families, and the communities in which they live.
As the Transdisciplinary Network on Aging, which comprises professionals from different fields dedicated to older adults and elderly people, we strongly reject the inclusion of old age in the ICD-11, especially considering that June 15 is the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day according to the United Nations General Assembly.
Old age is a natural, non-pathological stage of life, just like childhood or adulthood. Any other description would correspond to age discrimination or “ageism”, in which pathological conditions that are not inherent to a certain age group are associated with it.
Likewise, we reject the term “senile dementia” for lacking scientific support and for its discriminatory nature. Dementias are neither an inevitable consequence of old age nor exclusive to elderly people.
The inclusion of “old age” under “general symptoms” corresponds to a serious step backwards in terms of discrimination, since it defines a pathology that is normal and expected in life.
We believe that we, as a society, must develop a response to ageing, using strategies that reinforce recovery and psychosocial growth. We, therefore, urge everyone to combat the stereotypes that currently define what it means to be an “old man” or “old woman”. Let’s shift from describing this stage as full of deficiencies, illnesses, and difficulties, to considering it as a period, like others in a lifetime, with its own particular positive and negative characteristics. At no time do elderly people cease to be subjects of rights or merit respect.
We urge all international and national organizations to strive for a society that does not discriminate against anyone regardless of age, gender, or any other status.
Petition signers:
Tomás León R.
Memory Clinic Psychiatrist and Neuropsychiatrist Hosp. del Salvador
Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health Global Brain Health Institute
Mónica Nivelo Clavijo
Physician, Master in Public Health. Academic of the Department of PHC and Family Health. School of Medicine. University of Chile. Cristo Vive CESFAM. SSMN.
Felipe Salech
MD-PhD, Geriatrician, Professor in charge of the Geriatrics Training Program, School of Medicine, University of Chile, Research Associate of the Center for Geroscience, Mental Health and Metabolism (GERO), CICA Principal Researcher, University of Chile Clinical Hospital.
Alejandra Fuentes-García
Sociologist, Doctor in Public Health, Academic in the School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Chile.
Jorge Gamonal Aravena
Surgeon-Dentist, Director of the Center for Epidemiology and Surveillance of Oral Diseases (CEVEO), School of Dentistry, University of Chile.
Bárbara Angel Badillo
Midwife, PhD in Nutrition and Food, Academic in the Public Nutrition Unit, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
Andrea Slachevsky
MD-PhD, Neurologist, Alternate Director of the Center for Geroscience, Mental Health and Metabolism (GERO) Director of the Memory and Neuropsychiatry Clinic, School of Medicine, U Chile- Salvador Hospital.
Pilar Barba Buscaglia
Architect, PhD in Architectural Heritage, Academic of the School of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile.
Marco Cornejo Ovalle
Surgeon-Dentist. Doctor of Public Health. Academic, School of Dentistry, University of Chile. Member of the Board of Directors of the Chilean Society of Odontogeriatrics.
Constanza Briceño Ribot
Occupational Therapist, Master in Bioethics, Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, School of Medicine, University of Chile.
Patricia Lillo Zurita
MD-PhD, Neurologist, Research Associate at the Center for Geroscience, Mental Health and Metabolism (GERO). South Neurology Department, School of Medicine, University of Chile.
Gabriela Huepe Ortega
Sociologist, Master in Bioethics, Master in Methods for Social Research, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioethics and Medical Humanities, East Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, School of Medicine, University of Chile.
Christian González-Billault
Department of Biology, School of Science, and Department of Neurosciences, School of Medicine, University of Chile
Center for Geroscience, Mental Health and Metabolism (GERO)
The Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Geraldine Herrmann Lunecke
Architect, PhD in Urbanism
Associate Professor, Department of Urbanism, School of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile.
Jenan Mohammad Jiménez
Speech-Language Pathologist. Academic of the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, School of Medicine, University of Chile.
Marcela Jirón Aliste
Chemist-Pharmacist, Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Master in Clinical Epidemiology.
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Chile
Macarena Espina Díaz
Industrial Designer, Assistant, School of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile.
Loreto Olavarria Vera
Msc, Neuropsychologist, Memory and Neuropsychiatry Unit, Salvador Hospital – University of Chile, Academic, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of Chile.
Director of the Professional Corporation for Alzheimer’s and other Dementias (COPRAD)
Alejandra Pinto Henríquez
Clinical Psychologist, Memory Unit, Salvador Hospital. Memory and Neuropsychiatry Clinic, University of Chile
Benjamín Suárez Isla
Chemist, Tenured Professor, Physiology and Biophysics Program, ICBM, School of Medicine, University of Chile.
Natalia Castillo Núñez
Occupational Therapist, Master in Health Sciences Education, Academic, Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, School of Medicine, University of Chile.
Paulina Matus Rosas
Speech-Language Pathologist. Academic of the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, School of Medicine, University of Chile.
Pilar Villarroel Cruz
Sociologist. Master in Aging and Quality of Life. Assistant at the School of Social Sciences, University of Chile and O’Higgins University. Pedagogical tutor Santiago University – Ministry of Education.
Marco Espíldora Hidalgo
Journalist. Master in Public Policy and Strategic Communication, Co-Founder of Corporación Acción Mayor and Director of the Geriatrics and Gerontology Society of Chile.
René Vidal
Assistant Professor, Mayor University
Research Associate at the Center for Geroscience, Mental Health and Metabolism (GERO),
Researcher, Center for Integrative Biology, Mayor University
Fabián Duarte
Associate Professor. Director of the Millennium Nucleus in Social Development. School of Economics and Business, University of Chile
Myriam Gutiérrez Villegas
Physical Therapist, University of Chile Clinical Hospital, Master in Aging and Quality of Life, PhD student in Biomedical Sciences, Laboratory of Learning, Memory and Neuromodulation, University of Chile.
Patricia Alegría Figueroa
Psychologist, University of Chile, Neuropsychologist, Clínica Alemana de Santiago. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Desarrollo University. President of the Alzheimer Chile Corporation
Marcela Pizzi Kirschbaum
Architect, University of Chile. Master of Architecture, Washington University. Tenured Professor, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile
Claudia Miranda Castillo
PhD, MSC, Psychologist. Associate Professor, Andrés Bello University. Director, Millennium Institute for Caregiving Research. Research Associate, Millennium Institute for Depression and Personality Research
Daniela Thumala Dockendorff
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, University of Chile
Norman Marcelo Arnold-Cathalifaud
Tenured Professor, Department of Anthropology, School of Social Sciences, University of Chile
Iris Lucia Espinoza Santander
Associate Professor, Department of Oral Pathology and Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Chile
Gabriel Guajardo Soto
Academic, Master in Management and Public Policy, University of Chile
Mónica Cáceres
PhD. Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, University of Chile
Ana Lobos
President, University of Chile Pensioners’ Association (APEUCH)
Cecilia Albala
Tenured Professor, Public Nutrition Unit, University of Chile/INTA
Javiera Asencio
Physical Therapist, AVIA/AVNIA Program, Minsal. Professor, Diego Portales University
Felipe Abbott
Attorney-at-law. Academic at the School of Law and Deputy Director of the Human Rights Center at the School of Law of the University of Chile.
Andrea Pizarro Cano
Assistant Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Chile
Rebeca Silva Roquefort
Assistant Professor, Housing Institute (INVI), School of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile.
Rodrigo Gómez Rahmann
Neurologist. Community Support Center for People with Dementia and Their Families, Kintun (SSMO)
Víctor Hugo Carrasco Meza
Associate Professor, University of Chile School of Medicine and Clinical Hospital
Steffen Härtel
Tenured Professor CIMT, BNI, ICBM, School of Medicine, University of Chile
Mario Moya Moya
Adjunct Professor
Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA)
University of Chile
Oscar German Arteaga
Associate Professor
Population Health Institute
School of Medicine
Andrea Paula-Lima
Associate Professor
Institute for Dental Science Research
School of Dentistry
Carolina Delgado Derio
Associate Professor of Neurology. Healthy Brain Unit, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery. University of Chile Clinical Hospital. Department of Neuroscience, School of Medicine, University of Chile
Gerardo Fasce Pineda
Geriatrician. Assistant Professor, University of Chile School of Medicine and Clinical Hospital
Paulina Osorio-Parraguez
Anthropologist, PhD in Sociology.
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Chile
Ana María Amaro Sepúlveda
Assistant Professor (Retired), School of Medicine, University of Chile