
MICARE was present at the National Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology 2022

Foto de Alejandra Araya, Claudia Miranda y Beatriz Fernández en el Congreso de Geriatría.

From October 5 to 7, the XXVI National Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology was held, in which researchers from MICARE formed two tables and presented papers and posters.

By Gabriela Campillo.

“Ageing in Chile: Global Changes and Local Challenges” was the title of the XXVI CNational Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology 2022, organised by Geriatrics and Gerontology Society of Chile.

Several MICARE researchers participated in this hybrid activity held in Puerto Varas, Chile.

MICARE’s Director and two associate researchers joined table about older people and care

This table was joined by MICARE’s associate researchers María Beatriz Fernández, Alejandra Araya y Claudia Miranda (director of MICARE).

María Beatriz Fernández (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) presented: “Cuidado y desigualdad de género. Panorama general de las cuidadoras de personas mayores en Chile“.

Alejandra Araya (Universidad Andrés Bello) presented: “Experiencia y efectos en cuidadores informales de personas mayores que asisten a un Centros Diurnos del Adulto Mayor“.

In addition, MICARE’s research assistant Evelyn Iriarte presented a poster on the matter.

Claudia Miranda (Universidad Andrés Bello) presented: “Factores relacionados con la salud mental y calidad de vida de cuidadores informales de personas con demencia“. MICARE’s director also was a presenter at the table “Diversidad de Vejeces 2”.

Foto de Claudia Miranda en una mesa del congreso.
Claudia Miranda, Director of MICARE, presenting at the National Geriatrics Congress.

3 MICARE researchers joined a table on older people and technology

This second table was joined by Andrés Aparicio, associate researcher at MICARE; María Soledad Herrera (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), adjunct researcher at MICARE; and Javiera Rosell (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), postdoctoral researcher at MICARE.

Specifically, Andrés Aparicio presented “Herramientas para la autonomía: cuidado, cotidianidad y acompañamiento de personas mayores con discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo“.

María Soledad Herrera presented “Importancia del capital tecnológico y el capital social en la incidencia de la soledad de las personas mayores durante la pandemia COVID-19“.

Javiera Rosell presented: “Uso de Internet y bienestar psicológico de los cuidadores mayores de 60 años“.

MICARE students presented poster

Estudiantes MICARE exponiendo su poster mediante videollamada.

Titled “Hacia una corresponsabilidad de género en políticas públicas: experiencias de hombres chilenos cuidadores de personas mayores con dependencia funcional“, the students Catalina Carballeda, Diego Echaiz, Nicolás Alfaro and Yael Vargas presented this poster as a joint research.

Young MICARE researchers were present at the Congress

Researcher Antonia Echeverría (Universidad de los Andes de Chile) was a co-author in the presentation: “Instrumentos de evaluación de AVDI: análisis comparativo entre Escala de Lawton & Brody y Cuestionario VIDA Chile“. She also presented two posters: “Evaluación de la capacidad funcional de personas mayores en Chile: migración de EMPAM‐EFAM a ICOPE‐VIDA” and “Cuestionario VIDA Chile, versión preliminar tras su validación transcultural“.        

Pablo Villalobos presented “El futuro de los cuidados de largo plazo institucionales“.

Finally, Jorge Browne was part of the congress’ scientific committee, he hosted two tables and was a co-author in the research: “Mortalidad intrahospitalaria en personas mayores con fractura de cadera. Experiencia en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad Católica de Chile”.

We congratulate all MICARE researchers that were present at the Getriatric Congress! You all contributed to the important topics of care, older people and ageing research.

See some pictures of the event, here:

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