By Cristóbal Venegas.
Last Friday, January 13, the 2023 Annual Planning Conference of the Millennium Institute for Care Research, MICARE, was held, bringing together the Council of Associates and its researchers and collaborating researchers with the Institute’s Executive Team.
The activity was attended by associate, adjunct, young and postdoctoral researchers. It was chaired by Claudia Miranda (director) and Marcela Tenorio (alternate director), with the moderation of Raffaela Carvacho, Research Coordinator.

First, the institute’s state was presented in its different areas, where each line of research presented its advances and challenges. The progress made in the MICARE Longitudinal Study was especially highlighted, which will begin its data collection in 2023.
Next, the Executive Team presented figures and progress in terms of management, to then give way to work in groups around three questions: (1) What areas of the institute should be prioritized? (2) How to promote work between the lines of research and researchers? and (3) With which organizations are there opportunities for alliance?

Based on the conversation, work was done on the proposal of goals, projects, and activities around the relationship with civil society and scientific dissemination, student training, frontier scientific research and national and international collaboration networks.
Finally, all the proposals were presented in a plenary session, thus outlining the work of MICARE during 2023.

We are extremely grateful to all the researchers who accompanied us on this journey and who promised to continue advancing in research that contributes evidence to public policies. We are thrilled to have your support!