Collaborators in research

We want to promote collaborations to consolidate our research
That is why we have established different alternatives for people to collaborate with our research work, around our four lines of research and our longitudinal study.
There are 9 forms of collaboration with MICARE:
In the case of senior, adjunct, young researchers or collaborators, the collaboration is carried out through an invitation from one or more associate researchers of the Institute, or by the MICARE Executive Team.
For the roles of collaborating entity, spokespersons, post-doctorates, graduate and undergraduate students, the collaboration can be through open calls or invitations from our associate researchers or by the Executive Team.
MICARE's collaborators
Elaine Acosta
Senior researcher, MICARE.
PhD in International and Intercultural Studies, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao. Associated researcher at the Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University, and Executive Director of Cuido60.
Paula Miranda
Senior researcher, MICARE.
Doctor in Law and Business Administration, University of Lleida, Spain. Associate Professor Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Work, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Cristina Jenaro
Senior researcher, MICARE.
Professor of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Salamanca.
María del Carmen Pérez
Senior researcher, MICARE.
Doctor of Nursing Sciences. Full-time research professor at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
Juanita Hoe
Senior researcher, MICARE.
Professor of Dementia Care at the Geller Institute of Ageing and Memory, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of West London.
Florencia Herrera
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Universidad de Barcelona. Sociologist, Universidad Católica. Associate Professor of the School of Sociology, Universidad Diego Portales. Researcher DisPar Fondecyt. Director of Millennium Nucleus Studies on Disability and Citizenship (DISCA).
Rodrigo Cádiz
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Music Composition, Northwestern University. Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC). Civil Industrial Engineer with a mention in Electricity UC, and Bachelor in Music UC.
Pablo Villalobos
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Public Health, Harvard University. Master in Economics, Boston University. Master in Economics (Public Policies), and BA in Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Katherine Mollenhauer
Adjunct Researcher, MICARE.
Doctor in Research in Design, Doctor Europaeus in Strategic Design and Innovation, and Academic at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She works around thematic R&D of models and methodologies for innovation.
Jean Gajardo
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Ph.D. in Public Health and Occupational Therapist, Universidad de Chile. Researcher and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Universidad San Sebastián, Chile.
Johanna Sagner
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Special education teacher, Universidad Austral. Master in Anthropology and Development, Social Anthropology, Universidad de Chile. Doctor in Social Sciences, University of Tübingen (Germany). Lecturer Universidad de La Frontera.
Miguel Rosello
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Doctor in Social Sciences, Education, and Health, Universidad de Girona. Master in Psychosocial Intervention, Universidad de Barcelona. Psychologist, Universidad de Chile. Academic at the School of Occupational Therapy, Universidad de Las Américas. Co-director of the Research Center on Subjectivities and Equality Policies at UDLA.
Juanita Eslava
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Music therapist. PhD Music Therapy Aalborg Universitet (Denmark). Advisor in
Inclusion programs Consultant, Music Therapist and Autism program coordinator CENPI (Colombia).
Ana Sedano
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Theatre Studies, Universidad de Alcalá. Lecturer Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Sebastián Rojas
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Socio-Psychologist. Researcher in Psychology at Universidad Andrés Bello.
Faride Peña
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Psychologist, PhD and Master in Social Sciences, Instituto Nacional de Ciencia Penales. Lecturer Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
Camila Sabat
Young researcher, MICARE.
Psychologist and Master in Psychology from New York University. Director of the Master’s Program in Pediatric Neuropsychology at Universidad de los Andes (Chile).
Maryam Farhang
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Psychologist, Master in Psychology and Doctor in Psychology. Academic of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at Universidad de las Américas, Chile.
Jorge Browne
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Geriatric physician at Hospital Sótero del Río and UC Christus. Master in Public Health (MPH) and MPhil in Epidemiology. Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Juan Pablo Robledo
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Psychologist (UC). MPhil and PhD (Cantab, UK). Associate Professor, Université de Lorraine, France.
Déborah Oliveira
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Nurse, PhD. Researcher and consultant on long-term care, dementia, older people, and stigma. Research Professor at the Faculty of Nursing of Universidad Andrés Bello.
Alejandra Inostroza
Young Researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Administration Sciences, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Social Worker, Universidad Católica del Maule.
Virginia Fernández
Young Researcher, MICARE.
PhD and Master’s in Clinical and Health Psychology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), in the Department of Personality, Assessment, and Psychological Treatment.
Felipe Muñoz
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Civil Engineer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Master in BIM Management. International Master in Smart City Management, Universidad de Barcelona. Doctor in Civil Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Academic and researcher at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
Evelyn Iriarte
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Nurse with a Master’s in Nursing from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC). PhD in Nursing Science from the University of Miami. Adjunct Instructor at the UC School of Nursing. Post-Doctoral Fellow at the College of Nursing, University of Colorado.
Guadalupe Mendoza
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Nurse and Doctor in Collective Health Sciences. Lecturer, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (Mexico).
Carolina Cornejo
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Sociologist and Master in Sociology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Research assistant, Centro UC Estudios de Vejez y Envejecimiento (CEVE UC).
Agnieszka Bozanic
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Psychologist, Universidad de Chile. Doctor in Medicine and Translational Research and Master in Psychogerontology, Universidad de Barcelona. Lecturer Universidad Andrés Bello.
María Consuelo San Martín
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Psychologist and Doctor in Psychology, Académica de la Universidad de los Andes.
Pía Rodríguez Garrido
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Midwife, Master in Reproductive and Sexual Health, Master in Primary Care and Collaborative Practives, Universitat de Barcelona. PhD in Nursing and Health. Researcher, Universidad de O’Higgins.
Angela Hassiotis
Senior researcher, MICARE.
Professor in Intellectual Disability in the Division of Psychiatry at University College London (UCL). Honorary consultant Psychiatrist at the Camden Learning Disability Service.
Noelia Flores
Senior researcher, MICARE.
Professor of the Department of Psychological Personality, Evaluation and Treatment of the Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Salamanca.
Maribel Cruz
Senior researcher, MICARE.
Doctor of Research in Disability. Full-time research professor at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
Andrés Losada
Senior researcher, MICARE.
Professor of Psychology and Coordinator of the Psychology PhD program at the Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain. Associate Editor of Clinical Gerontologist and co-editor of the Spanish Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology.
Katrina Scior
Senior researcher, MICARE.
BSc DClinPsy PhD, is a European, Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Founder-Director of the UCL Unit for Stigma Research (UCLUS), and Co-Director of UCL’s Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research (CIDDR).
Melanie Levasseur
Senior researcher, MICARE.
Psychologist and PhD in Psychology. Lecturer Université de Sherbrooke (Canada).
María Soledad Herrera
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Sociology and Master in Social Gerontology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Sociologist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC). Academic at the Institute of Sociology UC. Director of the Center for Aging Studies and Aging (CEVE-UC).
Pablo Marshall
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Law, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. Bachelor in Legal and Social Sciences, University of Chile. Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Law, Universidad Austral de Chile. Alternate Director of Millennium Nucleus Studies on Disability and Citizenship (DISCA).
Stella-Maria Paddick
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Associate Clinical Lecturer at the Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University.
Florencia Picasso
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Ph.D. in Sociology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Master’s in Social Policies, Latin American Center for Human Economics (CLAEH), Montevideo. Professor and Researcher, Sociology Area, Department of Education at Universidad UDIMA, Madrid.
Diego Prieto
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Dentist, Universidad Mayor. Master in Research and Innovation in Dental Sciences and Specialist in Surgical Periodontics and Implantology, Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes.
Begoña Góngora
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Speech Therapist, Universidad de Valparaíso. Master in Cognitive Studies, Universidad de Chile. Doctor in Linguistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Valparaíso. Deputy Director of the Center for Research in Cognition and Language Development (CIDCL).
Vasiliki Totsika
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Professor of Neurodevelopmental Research in the Division of Psychiatry at University College London.
Cecilia Anaya
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Psychologist and PhD in Psychology. Lecturer Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico).
Cristián Rodríguez
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
Psychologist and graduate in Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. PhD in Scientific Psychology, University of California Irvine. Lecturer Universidad de los Andes.
Herminia Gonzálvez
Young researcher, MICARE.
Doctor in Social Anthropology and Cultural Diversity, Universidad de Granada. Professor and Researcher at Universidad Central de Chile.
Nicolás Espejo
Adjunct researcher, MICARE.
LL.B., Diego Portales, M.St., Oxon, Ph.D., Warwick University. Children Rights Consultant for UNICEF in Latin America and Visiting Fellow, Kellogg College, Oxford University. Researcher, Centro de Estudios Constitucionales de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (Mexico).
Daniel Muñoz
Young researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Human Geography from the University of Edinburgh and postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at Universidad de Chile. Sociologist and Master in Urban Development, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Antonia Echeverría
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Occupational Therapist from Universidad de Chile. Master in Health Administration and Management, U. de los Andes, Chile. Academic at the School of Occupational Therapy, U. de los Andes, Chile.
Bárbara Flores
Young Researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Economics and Master of Research in Economics from University College London, United Kingdom. Master’s in Economics and Commercial Engineer with a specialization in Economics from Universidad de Chile. Assistant Professor at the Center for Economics and Social Policy (CEAS) at Universidad Mayor and Adjunct Researcher at the Center for the Study of Conflict and Social Cohesion (COES).
Javiera Rosell
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Psycologist. Master in Psychogerontology. PhD in Psycology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Master in Psychogerontology. Lecturer of the Centro UC Estudios de Vejez y Envejecimiento.
Sarahí Rueda
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Sociologist, Master in Regional and Population Studies, mention in Demography
Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). Post-grade, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany) and Sapienza University (Italy). PhD in Demography (Mention Cum Laude), Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). Lecturer, Society and Health Research Center, Universidad Mayor.
Felipe Díaz Toro
Young Researcher, MICARE.
PhD (c) in Epidemiology, Research Professor. Universidad Andrés Bello.
Izaskun Álvarez Aguado
Young Researcher, MICARE.
PhD in Educational Psychology, Psychology of Education, and Specific Teaching Methods, Universidad del País Vasco. Research Academic at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Universidad de Las Americas (UDLA). Co-director of the Research Center on Subjectivities and Equality Policies at UDLA.
Rodrigo Herrera
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Civil Engineer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV). PhD in Engineering Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. PhD in Transport Infrastructure and Territory, Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, España. Assistant Professor and Head of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the School of Civil Engineering, PUCV.
Claudia Carrasco
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Special education teacher, Master in Research and Education Change and Doctor in Education, Universitat de Barcelona. Lecturer Universidad de Talca.
Fabiola Miranda
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Master in Law, Economics and Administration: Public Policy and Social Change, Sciences Po Grenoble. Doctor in Political Science, Université Grenoble Alpes. Lecturer Universidad de las Américas.
Magdalena Calderón
Young Researcher, MICARE.
Social worker, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Master in Public Administration, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Doctor in Administration, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Lecturer Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.