Sociocultural aspects of care and life course perspective
Research line 1
Sociocultural aspects of care and life course perspective
It seeks to characterize and study how care can increase the economic and social vulnerability of women caregivers, as well as undermine their physical and mental health.
a. Characterize carers in terms of sociodemographic, economic, labor, physical and mental health variables, social support, use of time, care tasks provided, among others.
b. Establish typologies of carers, according to the type of activities carried out, type of person cared for, among others.
c. Determine how care can increase the economic and social vulnerability of carer women, as well as impact their physical and mental health conditions.
d. Establish a general overview of the scope of policies and programs currently existing in the country on the subject of care.
Head Researcher
María Beatriz Fernández Lorca
PhD in Sociology at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC). Professor at the Institute of Sociology UC, and researcher at the Center for the Study of Age and Aging, CEVE UC.
- Research Line 1 studies
Consequences of caring for the physical health, mental health and subjective well-being of Chilean older adults
Financing networks of care: analysis from six countries
Care in the Political Agenda: Proposals and Gaps from the 2021 Presidential Campaign
Predictors of Unmet Needs in Chilean Older People with Dependency: A Cross-Sectional Study
Valentina González
BA in Philosophy and MSc. PhD student in Sociology at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Her thesis project focuses on analysing trajectories on children carers and the relationship among care, labour market and mental health.
Delia Suárez
Bachelor’s degree in Sociology. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Psychology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
María Alejandra Córdova
Sociologist, Professional at the Department of Studies, Management, and Programs at the Fundación de las Familias, and student in the Master’s program in Methods for Social Research at Universidad Diego Portales.
Sebastián Rainao
Undergraduate student in Sociology at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.